Hey there I'm Pietro! In my practice I use sounds and computation to investigate the web of relations between organic and inorganic, animate and inanimate. I consider sounds and machines as animate and alive, shaping and getting shaped by the environment they inhabit.
I approach composition as a product of the relationships between the parts involved, this underlaying network becomes the raw material at the foundation of each piece.
website> pietro.cargo.site
Demones Fugo
β€œIn spite of all the devils in hell,
Here comes our old bell!”

Demones Fugo explores the sound of metal and its relation to water, specifically its attributed role in Italian folklore of casting away evil spirits from storms.
The relationship between water and the vibration of metal is the centre of this work. Two 3d printed towers (reminiscing the shape of bell towers), stand facing each other - one of the towers slowly drips water from a funnel-like shape. As the water touches the surface, two steel plates hanging from the towers respond with a vibration.The frequency of the vibration and the interval between each drop form the structure of the composition. The composition progresses thanks to physical and computational agents.

Physical Agents
1. The interval between each droplet is determined by the amount of material (cotton) inside the funnel structure, which prevents water from dripping.
2. The sound is produced by surface transducers attached on the metal plates. As the transducers vibrate the plate resonates accordingly.

Computational Agent
An opto switch is mounted at the base of the water tower. As a drop falls, it breaks the IR beam between the arms of the opto switch, and a change in value is recorded in Arduino.

In Demones Fugo, the chaotic behaviour of the physical world (water & metal) and the structured processes of the algorithm (spectral harmony & progression), shape the relationships between each element. Demones Fugo is a self-sustaining organism, which agency calls for a revaluation of the role of mythology as a valuable mode of knowledge-making.

These scores are extracted from the numerical patterns of method ringing and they offer a multi-dimensional approach to bell music. Essential Ringing aims to extend bell ringing patterns to other instrumentations and performative arts.

Essential Ringing is composed of four chapters and 16 scores. Each chapter includes four graphic scores exploring a different ringing method. Within the scores are included volume dynamics and
expressive movements which are not part of traditional method ringing but nonetheless are extracted from the relationships within the patterns.

Essential Ringing:
Sequential Ringing Methods for 4 to 8 sources
Portal Quest
This work uses an evolving particle system to explore the aesthetics of multi-dimensional portals. It's an experiment in visual composition which aims to animate and visualize the opening of a portal on a projected surface.